It never ceases to surprise me how much material I manage to accumulate, not to mention assorted craft bits and stationery. I am a complete magpie when it comes to fabric, it doesn’t even need to be sparkly. When you have piles all over you workroom floor though you’ve probably got too much, so I’ve had a clear out.
During the last lockdown I gathered everything together in the garage along with some left over cupboard doors from our kitchen refit last year. Having also saved some other useful craft items and stationery from the bin of a friend moving house, the pile in the garage was also getting out of hand, so I’ve called the cavalry.
Thankfully the Southampton Scrapstore will collect large amounts of scrap materials for a donation. I really didn’t fancy trying to load everything in my car. To be honest, it wouldn’t have fitted in with a the cupboard doors and a length of worktop. In an hour or so so my garage will be a lot clearer again. I just have to make sure I don’t bring half of it home again next time I pop down to the Scrapstore!